The story of E&J Gallo Winery began in 1933 at the end of Prohibition when Ernest and Julio Gallo - two brothers in their early 20s with family roots in Italy, founded a winery in California with very little except a love of wine and a lot of determination.
From day one the mission was simple: to produce great tasting wines for everyday moments that everyone could enjoy.
Four generations later, with more than 80 years of dedication, experience and knowledge, the Gallo family follows the same philosophy, seeking constant improvement to meet wine lovers evolving tastes.
Life is full of a myriad of meaningful moments that happen every day, and the wines we make are crafted to go hand in hand with them.
The long-awaited excitement and energy of a night out with friends who you haven’t seen for ages. The quiet relief of home after a day at work you’d rather forget…when the kids are in bed and your husband comes in with a bottle in hand.
There is a Gallo wine for every moment. When it’s time for wine, say Hello to Gallo.
Time for wine? Say Hello to Gallo!
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